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When my children were little, I often walked them to Goffle Brook Park. It was before the park’s renovation, and at that time, the brook was easily accessible. As they played in the water on warm days, I would look out at this giant oak tree, standing tall next to the stream, and pray Psalm 1 over them:

Psalm 1
1 Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.


It was my deepest prayer before they even reached school-age that they would be like mighty trees planted in good soil, fruitful for God’s glory. And it was this desire that drove my husband and I to partner with Eastern Christian School.

Good soil

Measuring 6’2 and 6’1 now, my little boys are not little anymore. Many years later, I have the joy of standing on the other side of that prayer, watching the Lord continue to shape them into men of Godly character and integrity. As I observe the Lord’s hand on their lives, I’m reminded of the Lord’s graciousness to my family and his answers to prayer. 

But I’m also mindful that this transformation did not happen accidentally. As parents commanded to raise up our children in the way they should go, I believe that choosing an excellent, Christian education intentionally plants our children in good soil. 

If you are at the beginning of this journey of Christian education, if you are considering this journey, you may be asking: Is Christian education worth it? I want to list some of the comments made by graduating seniors in a reflection last year:

  • “Jesus is present here, and it is a safe place for you to grow spiritually, educationally, emotionally and mentally…EC made me a better person as it encouraged me to do well educationally and spiritually. I hope to leave a legacy and example of what it means to be the best version of yourself.”
  • “I feel like I really found myself at EC. I found out who I am in Christ and I found friends that love me for me.”
  • “EC is more than education. It is a community that will always catch you when you fall.”
  • “My faith has gone through its peaks and valleys…I will say that the passion and faith here is overwhelming. I find it is so hard to not love God when I am surrounded by the people of Eastern Christian. The constant support and connections to God are extremely helpful.”

The goal

These are just highlights; this sentiment can be found in every year of graduates since I started in my communication role at EC. Having experienced Eastern Christian as a student, a parent and an employee, I say with confidence that when Eastern Christian School states in their mission that their goal is to empower students to act as Christ’s transforming agents in a global society, they mean it. 

Teachers, coaches and campus administrators care about their students’ success, but they also nurture their whole person. This includes staying up to date in their areas of expertise, walking with our children when they need extra mentorship and guidance, pointing kids to Christ through word and deed, and encouraging them to be faithful stewards of their gifts, skills and personalities.

It looks different at different stages in their development, but I, personally, am thankful for the preschool teachers who taught my children Bible songs, the elementary school teachers who helped them memorize scripture, the middle school teachers who lovingly corrected behaviors that were not of Christ, and for the high school teachers who were unafraid to take on their tough questions, speaking life and pointing my children to the truth in God’s word, every day and in many ways. At every age, I am thankful for the care of a community who loved my children as Christ loved them, a care that extended beyond the classroom and into prayer rooms, interceding for my children before the throne of Christ, sometimes without me even knowing. Christian education was indeed good soil.

Final thoughts

At a recent young alumni gathering, the students who I had said good-bye to at high school graduations several years ago were back, this time as young adults. They had already branched out, some working at hospitals, others in technology, communications, business, social work, law and education; still others were pursuing master’s degrees. I couldn’t help but burst with joy at these young people who were making a difference in the world but had not lost their faith in Christ. 

3 John 1:4 states “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 

So my challenge to you is if you are considering Christian education for the first time, that you would remember your deepest hopes for your children and ask if the good soil of an excellent, Christian education moves you toward those goals. And my encouragement to younger parents beginning their school journey, is to say that you are making an eternal investment. As a parent of older children, having them here through high school is the best investment we could have made.

On behalf of all of my colleagues, it is our deepest hope that all EC parents will share in the joy of 3 John 1:4, watching their children mature in their faith, grow in knowledge, and go on to be Christ’s transforming agents in a global society.

Prospective families, schedule a visit to learn more about Eastern Christian School.

Leah Genuario

By: Leah Genuario

Leah Genuario is the Director of Publications & High School Journalism & Yearbook Teacher.

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