Posts in Alumni

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EC Beefsteak 101

If you're like me, you had never heard of a "Beefsteak" before joining the EC Community. If you're like me, as soon as you experience this weird, wonderful opulent feast, you will never want to miss another. History The Beefsteak is a hyper-local tradition (wikipedia). Started by our friends in Brooklyn in the mid 1800's,…

High School ebook

Alaska Trip with EC!

EC Alumni & Friends,    Join us for a cruise to Alaska and Denali in September, 2020. Last year's cruise through The Netherlands was a great success and this cruise promises to be sensational.  Prime time to view the Northern Lights and many great excursions.     Download the flyer to learn more.    Questions? Please…

HomEComing 2019 Recap

 Thank you, thank you, thank you!  All of you made this weekend, October 18 and 19, the best Eastern Christian School HomEComing to date. God gave us a weekend of amazing weather. It was near perfect for HomEComing and all of you responded to the great conditions by coming out to eat, to cheer,…

Introducing EC Connect

Networking is one of the best strategies you can employ in job search or transition.  More than half of available positions today aren’t advertised, but are filled through networking.  And networking is all about contact with people you know or people that you share a common connection with, taking advantage of their connections and their…

The Fall 2019 Herald Now Available Online!

EC Alum Museum Exhibit

Eastern Christian School Alumni Dave Saunders ('13) currently has an art gallery live at the Paterson Museum. The exhibit features graphic prints and photography- all related to the city of Paterson. Saunders' artist statement for the work reads, "Mindful color choices, strong underlying concepts, and passion for improvement are all aspects that I strive to…

Alumni Chapel Recap

Four years ago, Eastern Christian High School held the first Thanksgiving Alumni Chapel. Knowing that many recent graduates were home for the holiday and often stopped in at the high school to visit old friends and teachers, it was suggested that a formal alumni event be held. That year a small group of alumni came…

Homecoming 2018

Eastern Christian students, faculty, alumni and friends had another spectacular HomEComing weekend on October 19 and 20, 2018. We began the weekend with a new event this year:  Alumni & Friends Golf at Wallkill Golf Club. A cold morning start would not discourage our 40 golfers.  The clear skies and bright sunshine made it a…

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